Redeemer Students

Redeemer Students takes a break from meeting on Wednesdays through the summer, we will resume September 11th. See you then!

Wednesdays, 7PM-8:30PM

5th – 12th Grade

The goal for Redeemer Students is for our youth to learn the truths of God’s Word and to grow in their faith and their love for God & for one another. This is a place where they can build relationships with each other, have fun, and deepen their spiritual walk. Our Student Leaders seek to disciple their hearts, in the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and love them well, in the spirit of the Great Commandment, for the glory of God and to see His Kingdom advanced.


Our Students gather at the church on Wednesday evenings! Typically, the evening consists of food & fellowship, games, and a time of worship and teaching from the Word. We also incorporate small groups on certain weeks where the youth can share more personally with one another and with their leader.


There are also special events, outings, or retreats planned for Students – either on Wednesday evenings or some weekends. We will keep you posted on what you need to know for those!